Christmas Fun on The MoMmY-Go-RoUnD!!
That’s Right! I Believe Mrs Claus has read The MoMmY-Go-RoUnD and thanks to those CrAzY Elves surely related to it because rumor has it that Santa agrees it’s time to share the Laughs & Love the Reality of Motherhood this Christmas! You, your friends, family, coworkers, & babysitters will all LoVe The MoMmY-Go-RoUnD! Men have shared that they love the book too! It's available at bookshops, just ask and particularly at my hometown bookshops -- Whistlestop Bookshop in Carlisle, PA, and The Doylestown Bookshop in Doylestown, PA. It’s also available online and it’s a great opportunity for you to support your independent bookstores online at @ Hope you'll pick up a copy for you or your loved ones!
Proud to be the 2016 1st Place Winner of the Pacific Book Award for Parenting-Family category and the Bronze Award in the 2016 Readers’ Favorite Non-Fiction Parenting Category! Also proud to have received numerous 5 star Reviews from both professional reviewers and readers just like you who read it, related to it and Loved it! We are not alone in this CrAzY Parenting Thing!!
And Just Remember...
#Mommylife = KiDs = UpS & DoWnS but Never Ending Love ---
Hope you Enjoy The Ride on The #MoMmY Go RoUnD!!!
And with Christmas just a few weeks away, it’s time to share this excerpt from Chapter 18: Christmas in July! Pick up a copy to read the rest of the story including the CrAzY Fun that occurs when Santa’s Secret gets OUT!! HoHoHO and Happy Reading!!
Excerpt from The MoMmY-Go-RoUnD Chapter 18: Christmas in July:
Being a parent has truly taught me the meaning of the expression, “Christmas in July.” It is the time of year that some children, especially mine, begin to write their Christmas lists…oh and one other thing…they begin to whine about how far off Christmas actually is!!
I’m fairly certain that when the summer gets a little boring, and a bit too hot, there’s summer reading out there that outlines the rules that children follow when making a COOL Christmas List. The first rule is to make the list I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-Y LONG! In fact, my daughter likes to make it long enough so that she can be truly despondent that she will NEVER EVER TRULY GET WHAT SHE WANTS (this year that is…) In fact, to hear it from them, they never do get what they REALLY want. (Forget the fact that a mere six months ago, they received the majority of another rather endless list of overpriced items, most of which are now cluttering up my living room, bedrooms, and playroom areas.)
Anyway, it was a hot July evening when my daughter decided to “Cool off” by writing this year’s Christmas list. She completed the list then proceeded to begin the sales pitch by gently “walking me” through her winter wonderland wish list. Not being of the Christmas giving spirit myself that Christmas List Eve, I did my best rendition of Scrooge. This response caused the list to be abandoned on my kitchen island with her modifying title, new and in my opinion, improved, as “The Never Christmas List.”
Christmas Confessions…
Now I ask you, where would my child get this rather annoying, yet comical habit from? There can be only one answer…. The Parental Curse…. Used only as a last resort, and I’m sure when my own parents reached their breaking point from what else but ….MY CHRISTMAS LIST!!!!
Yes, I confess. I did it. Mine was no ordinary Christmas list…. My brothers were witness to this. My list was in fact almost the entire Sears Wish book with basically everything under the sun circled as a “MUST HAVE!” In an “honest” effort to save my parents some money, I skipped a few boy items here and there. In retrospect, I should have crossed off the few things I didn’t want rather than waste all that time circling things!! Anyway, can I help it if my begging, pleading and dare I admit it?? My WHINING was much more “effective” than my brothers trying to kill each other throughout the rest of the year? Looking back, I’m now sure that my whining was the clincher that drove my poor parents to the ultimate punishment I’m still paying for….the dreaded Parental Curse cast upon their beloved daughter during a brief moment of parental insanity!! By the time I was done with poor Mom and Dad, they were probably in a state of (sticker) shock and asking that age old Jimmy Stewart question spoken in “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “Why do we have to have all these kids anyway???”
And so it came to pass. I deserved and became a victim of Parental revenge. A simple curse that could escalate my children’s innocent act of making a “simple, little Christmas list” into a Whine Fest complete with written documentation… This incredibly powerful Parental Curse designed to punish me for years on end. And me asking the same question my parents most likely asked years before... Whatever became of those “visions of sugarplums” dancing ONLY in the heads of sleeping children!! What is it that then compels the darlings to put the visions down on paper, in list format no less? I think the answer will come out when my children write their rebuttal to this book due out in paperback in the year 2025…
Treat yourself & the women in your life to some laughter & heartwarming fun on The MoMmY-Go-RoUnD!